My Thoughts on TekSyndicate

In case you weren't in on the tech YouTube scene, TekSyndicate is an American channel with about 270'000 subscribers at time of writing. They do PC component reviews and have a weekly show on the news related to science and computer culture. I've been subscribed for about a year and a half and find that I need to write about what I think of them.
So I'll start off with Logan, the face of the channel, he is generally entertaining to watch although he can be incredibly annoying in his ignorance. He is my biggest problem with the channel. The problem lies with me wondering if he actually knows what he's talking about, all the reviews read like a product description on a company website, and his observations range from "that's nice" to "which is kinda cool". In all the videos where they talk about their lives outside of the channel he comes across as the most 'man-on-the-street' of them all, which isn't a bad thing, unless you run a channel talking about computers.

But moving on we have Qain and Pistol, I don't have much to say on these two, Pistol seems to be Logan's wife / girlfriend and is just along for the ride. Qain seems to have a good knowledge of computers and is busy working most of the time but pops in every now and then because he's a friend of Logan and Wendell's, he is also the most paranoid of the group.
Logan (left) and Qain (the other side)
And that brings us onto my favourite member of the group, Wendell. He seems to know the most about computers (and runs his own consultancy) and easily does the best reviews out of himself and Logan and the direction TekSyndicate appear to be moving with more professional gear suits him very nicely (and me as I have Linus, OC3D and Hardware Canucks for consumer stuff).

And that's where we get to some speculation, just what is their aim? My theory or idea of how things are is as follows. Wendell and Logan have known each other for years, Wendell has always been interested in computers and Logan wanted to be an actor (but must have some interest in tech). So Wendell sticks at technology and works up to having his own consultancy while Logan goes off and does acting / travelling. This fails for whatever reason and so he turns to Wendell, who lets him use his consultancy premises to do youtube stuff.
You can find Wendell's actual face in 'Inbox 0002'
My theory could go three ways, and all of them hinge on the intelligence of Logan. Idea one is that he is indeed completely unknowing about technology, and is simply a face (that comes across well on camera because of the background in theater) for use by Wendell to influence the public. I believe that Wendell has shares in something that relies on distrust of the government to succeed or has some other aim that is more complicated.
The video giving the most evidence towards theories 1 and 2 on Logan's intelligence / motives
The second theory is that Logan is just out there to make as much money as possible. This would explain the month-long Asus plug whereby an Asus employee talked reams about  products for a few videos, and the really terrible audio videos that plugged mayflower electronics like crazy. Wendell helps because he's just interested in technology and might be getting a cut.

My third idea is that they are in fact a group of hackers that are trying to overthrow the US government (be it for good or bad motives), it would explain the recent changes in location from Logan. Logan has also hinted at having a set of skills in inbox.exe videos to which he never discloses the nature of. Qain does a lot of security work and Wendell says he has some government contracts as work. The sheer number of videos that they put out on the NSA (and more recently all cable companies (and even, even more recently Samsung)) shows that they are working towards some sort of change.

It also doesn't help that their names don't sound like actual names. I mean Logan, Qain and Wendell are odd names and for them all to pop up together is quite a coincidence and sounds like protection of identity. And Pistol is just not a name.

So to conclude, I'm not sure what to make of TekSyndicate, with other channels it's easy to see that they're just making money from reviewing products but with TekSyndicate it's different, either they just have a unique angle on things and that's how they get views, or there is some ulterior motive or larger 'plot' at work that we don't know about.
not really relevant, although Logan seems pretty hot on the 'PC master race'
But I'm still subscribed so they can't be that bad.