Do we live in a democracy, and should we (part 1)?

But Rob, you're not middle (or above) class, what are you doing meddling with the intricate political makeup of Britain?

I'm writing about it of course. Before we start, note that anything written in a light hearted way does not detract from my feelings on how bad the UK government is, also note that while Michael Gove is a worthless shit who shouldn't be put in charge of anything, he is not the sole cause of my distress, no matter how many pictures of him I put in this post.
So once again we voyage over to Wikipedia to get a decent definition of 'democracy' (instead of spending ages writing a whole post on it) and we find
"Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or indirectly through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws".
As dictator of this post I say that that definition is pretty solid.
So this can be summed up relatively quickly.

Are all citizens eligible? No. Should they be? Also no; prisoners don't deserve to vote and children don't understand anything, although I would say that the voting age should be lowered to 16 as at that age you are still young enough to be in school so still have some idea of how it works, this would stop Michael Gove happening.
Is participation equal? No. Should it be? Yes. Whether or not they say so, if I was a company sponsoring a political party, I'd want some benefits. The government should 1: be paid less and 2: be paid through tax revenue.

Are the people elected representative? Maybe. Expand on this Rob. Okay, I don't agree with a lot of their (the conservative's policies) but also don't agree with all of other parties' ideas. I know that's incredibly biased but I generally get the impression that everyone else I meet is of like mind. Another argument (a legitimate and provable one) is that all politicians are well-off and as such are out of touch with the country.

So that's the democracy question answered. We are not in a democracy in the UK.
WRONG! This comic is shit!
That's all very well, is there anything wrong with this way of leadership though? Yes. £9000/year university fees are stupid, internet filters and censorship is stupid, our immigration laws are stupid ie. why not copy Australia? The fact that no one who is a minister for something has a background in the thing they are ministering is (for the third time) stupid. And the worst thing, is that when they make a decision that barely anyone agrees with they don't say their reasoning behind that decision, when the people you supposedly represent are asking why you are doing something then there is something wrong.

Is this representative??? (photo integrity is questionable)
So what we have now is not the way forward, so how about we try this democracy business?

Find out soon in the next (and final) part.