A Different Kind of Game

You could read the title to this post and probably assume this will be another post where I ramble on about how games should be unique to stop us getting bored of them or something but you'd be wrong in thinking that, but actually, today I'm not going to be talking about video games, I'm talking about... Well, other games I guess, i can't put an exact definition on them.
Jungle Speed, it's like snap, but harder, more entertaining and instead of shouting snap you scramble to grab the totem in the middle of the table and hope you don't fling it behind you. wait for someone to break a window and hilarity ensues.
The inspiration for this post actually comes from the sheer enjoyment I had yesterday playing a card game called 'Smash Up' where players combine two 20 card decks from a faction such as Ninjas or Pirates or Dinosaurs or Zombies, mash them together to make a 40 card combination deck, and use your minions and abilities (Actions) to smash bases, with players scoring points based on who has the strongest minions on a base when it smashes, there's a good amount of skill to the game still and the way it plays is so different that I can safely say it is like no game I've ever played before. Maybe it has been done before, but not in the slightest have I heard something so similar, unlike every FPS out there.
Dinosaur Robots, Wizard Ninjas, Pirate Aliens and Trickster Zombies. Mix and Match them, for further levels of epic.
Discovering a game like this or maybe the Big Bang Theory card game is an experience you could generally relate to meeting that one boy or girl on the street that sends your heart all aflutter: you had no idea they existed then they walk into your life one day and suddenly there's this unexplainable attachment there and you have to meet them again because they're something so different about them.
I don't watch Tabletop much but I know I should. Will Weaton and his palls play exactly the kind of games I'm talking about and actually seeing them in action would probably make it easier for you all to see the charms of these games. So go do it. watch this. Right now.
The point is that these games are all surprisingly enjoyable and all you readers out there should endeavor to at least try one on a free trial or something when you next have an opportunity, they are an experience much like a video game but without actually being one, having the experience in front of you and in with many letting your imagination run wild there's an otherworldly charm about these games (that I cannot even begin to explain) that will make you want to buy them, and play them with your friends at every opportunity, even if they're douches and think everything you like is shit.