I thought you said Pacman.

As many of you don't know, each Saturday I help run a gaming group at a community centre where Peter and I have been going for a while. Furthermore, after almost a year I have been elected as second in charge of the group, which Peter is extremely annoyed about since he has been attending much longer than I.

Although he looks happy his heart has shattered into a million pieces
(This might be Peter whilst playing LOL)

But I digress. On the journey home from the train station Peter began to explain as to why he had spent the entirety of friday playing Pac... I mean Pikmin 3.
It was then that I realised the truth. Pikmin is actually Pacman reinvented.

It is an indication from Liam Neeson that you must stop playing

Although many of you wonderful readers may disagree, hear me out. Before I forget, all my knowledge of this game comes from Peter's explanation. Anyway, Peter explained that the plot of this game is to collect fruit and avoid monsters. It was then that I made the connection. In both Pacman and Pikmin you collect fruit whilst avoiding monsters. It was then that I realised a larger connection.
Both the protagonists from Pacman and Pikmin have mouths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you thought there would be no ponies