Competitive difficulty

Armchair general is always online!
So, where do I begin. First of all I think I should explain my gaming origins for any conclusion to be made.

Like many gamers of my generation I started off with the PS1, playing Die Hard and Digimon World 2003 to my hearts content. But I never got far. At the age of 6 I was never any good at video games, I simply played them because I could. I never got past the second level of Die Hard, I never got past the first wild area in Digimon and I never reached the end of the second level in Pandamonium.

Luckily I grew into a gamer who is considerably good at many games (although nintendo games are shit so I refuse to even try those), so when I returned to those games they were really easy. This indicates that although games do give set difficulties for people to play on, age also plays an important role.

Although Peter is somewhat correct about it being a good Ideas to start on a standard difficulty I have reached a point where I give up with standard difficulties and play it on the hardest difficulty for fun. Despite many people, such as peter, claiming spending over an hour per mission may not be fun, I thoroughly enjoy a challenge, which is why I completed Skyrim on the hardest difficulty.

Gaming in our generation is that of the recreational gamer, unfortunately, so most games are too easy to try below Hardcore or legendary difficulty. I find new ways of making my games hard, such as playing band hero with hyperspeed on, or Skyrim in badass grandpa mode (No clothes! Fisting the enemy to death!)

Legendary QWOP settings include the use of 3 laptops
I have been playing all FPSs on the hardest difficulty since call of duty 3, and no game I have encountered is as hard as the game Adam devised today.

It was a rugby game which began with 'N'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, I was wrong! It was Madden....................................................................................................................................

Randy Englebert's magical adventure simulator 2013 simultor 2014