Why 2013 Will be the Year of Gaming... Just Like Every Year For the Last 20 Years - Part 2

Okay so much to my dismay Adam didn't continue this last week, so it leads me on to continue talking about future games that are going to be nothing short of epic!

#5 The Last of Us
I may have mentioned this game in my argument on exclusive games. Set in a post apocalyptic world full of fungus-infected mutant humans, this PS3 exclusive Survival-Horror game takes the 'survival' aspect a lot further than most games of the genre. There is no regenerating health for starters, so you have to find food or health kits to replenish it, but more importantly weapons and ammo in the world of TLoU are sparse and you will have to scrounge or even make a lot of the weapons and ammo you will use through Joel and Ellie's survival ordeal. In addition to that, the AI they've got here is set to be brilliant, being able to understand when you're out of ammo and the like, and becoming more aggressive, but hiding and trying more to flank you when they see you do have a gun. It looks absolutely stunning and there are few who can't wait to play it
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"Joel, what the hell are you doing?"
"Shut up Ellie, can't you see I'm busy making weapons with these two menus projecting out my arse?"
#6 Pikmin 3
The Pikmin series is a truly great set of games, brilliantly combining strategy and adventure as you lead up to a hundred little tiny Pikmin in performing various tasks to help you get back home, or get rich, in the case of the sequel.. This installment in the series is going to be going back more to the first game, with Shigeru Miyamoto, the brains behind the Pikmin games, saying the second was too laid back, he wants to bring back the stress of the first game and it's time limit, much to the fans dismay. Regardless, even the first game, though difficult was brillian, and after 8 years of waiting, we're finally going to get another Pikmin adventure to enjoy, with new areas, new pikmin and new enemies, the only thing to not look forward to here is the likely time limit.
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Yes,  I don't know why it hasn't fallen apart yet either.
7 Project X Zone
yes it's another Nintendo game, this time on the 3DS. Project X Zone is the biggest crossover game of all time, featuring over 60 playable characters plus cameos and boss battles with even more characters from games by Namco-Bandai, Sega and Capcom, this is truly a 'dream crossover.' The game is comprised of two parts: Strategy based movement on a grid of squares, and super-fast combat on a 2D plane as with many fighters such as Street Fighter. The volume of characters from so many great games are going to make this one a true sight to see when it finally makes its appearance over here.
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Just check out all these guys, maybe that'll give you a sense of the sheer size of this crossover, and don't forget, see how many of these you can name, if it's less than 10, you are not worthy (I can manage 15 with ease)