Why 2013 Will be the Year of Gaming... Just Like Every Year For the Last 20 Years - Part 1

It's a kind of tradition for the first issue of the year of a magazine or blog on video games to take a look at all the great releases to look forward to for the coming year, and we shall be no exception, purely for the sake of being ironic. So let's take a look at just a handful of great games to come this year!

#1 Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock developers 'Irrational Games' have decided to make a new installment in the Bioshock series. Great right? Well, they've also decided to branch out and set in Columbia (though not the actual place, it's a set of flying islands this time) before the events of the much-loved world we know as Rapture. So, as a plus, it's set outside now and it's been a few years so it looks totally beautiful, but on a downside, they seem to have done away with everything that made Bioshock what it is: No Big Daddies or Little Sisters, the quiet and creepy dark environments of undersea Rapture are gone to be replaced with blue sky and birdies, plasmids and tonics, gone to be replaced with 'vigors' and armour/gear, heck the gameplay isn't really the same either! You can now move around on train tracks and a grappling hook, cool, but where's the Bioshock in that? This isn't a Bioshock game any more, maybe I'd be looking forward to it more if it was just called 'Infinite' because there's some really sneaky false advertisement there.
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Isn't it a lovely sight? Yes, BUT IT ISN'T BIOSHOCK.
#2 Animal Crossing - New Leaf
Most people wouldn't believe that a game about paying of debt, watering flowers and *gulp* talking to people could be so popular, but in reality it is. What's so special about another everyday boring life on top of your own I hear you ask? Well first take out the word boring, it doesn't fit, replace it with relaxing maybe because AC does exactly that. This new installment is excitingly different, placing you in the shoes of the mayor, giving you complete control over how the town looks and what goes where in terms of houses, benches, streetlamps, etc. as a plus, you also get your own secretary to help with... mayoral activities, oh and she's literally a dog so don't be expecting any kinky behind the counter sex sessions, this is a 3+ game after all! Anyway, as usual there's a museum to fill which will take hours and so many in game months and years, you can expect for furniture and the inclusion of new home decoratives like wall clocks, and as a bonus you can now go swimming and diving for treasure! But of course this will only really mean anything to existing fans, so if you're not you probably don't care, even though you should, so go out and buy an Animal Crossing game now and shun the non-believers!

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It looks more realistic, it has more! Fountains! Benches and...! What the heck is that, some sort of playground aparatus? Wait does this one have children in it? I don't remember hearing about that... MAYBE IT'S AN ALIEN
#3 Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
We all know by now that JRPG games are my specialty, even if I never get close to finishing most of them. I'd usually spare you all from writing about these here, but here's my point, there really aren't that many games that the average gamer would like coming out this year, from my perspective there really aren't that many good shooter/anything else titles set to come out this year that I know all that much about, which is why I'll let Adam handle those and focus on my specialties. So this is a JRPG with artwork done by the Japanese animation people 'Studio Gibli', so it looks bloody beautiful, the protagonist's partner is a doll-made-alive with a brilliantly heavy scotish accent (in the English dub that is, the American one is Texan I think, or some other place with a heavy accent over there), and the Special Editon comes with a huge 300 page book of spells straight out of the game! What more can you ask for?

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"Well hello there laddie, how'd you like to take a look up me kilt?"

I told you it looks stunning
Also: it's set in the future of the Spyro games (Okay not really)
#4 Tales of Xillia
It's a new Tales game! need I say more? The only downer here is that I know nothing of the story, but that's great! Everyone loves a mystery.
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Hey! How am I supposed to tell people about the next installment in my favourite series if you tell me to keep quiet about it!?