Spicy Chicken Bites GotY Awards: Negimalevolent Edition

It's the end of a long year of gaming, so it's time to look back on this years great games, and award the best a mention that to be honest nobody is going to acknowledge, but we do it anyway, because we like giving awards! Now on with the proceedings!

- Nagative Award(s)

- Biggest Dissappointment: Sonic & Sega All Stars racing Transformed
I was wholeheartedly looking forward to this game after playing the first version which I believed to be better than all the popular Mario Kart games. The original felt fast, had great items, an endearing character roster and an amazing soundtrack; this new game however, feels so much slower I think 50cc mode on MK is faster! Sure the new characters such as Vyse from Skies of Arcadia are great, but they've still dispatched with some of the best (The ChuChus!) in favour of slightly different versions of other characters (Aiai and Mimi, nights and Reala, and more), and not only that, the All-Star moves I loved so much now just feel... mild, they don't have that impact they did before, nor the brilliant music that went with them, horrible, horrible Sega, just horrible.
The transformations and new stages may be cool, but that just doesn't stop it being far worse than the original
It's been a good year of gaming as far as I've seen, so it's a pleasure to say there are no more negative awards from me this year!

+ Positive Awards

+ Best Fighting : Soul Calibur V
Fighting games are a fair part of my collection, games like Mortal Kombat and Blazblue I find fun yet addictingly infuriating, but the game that takes the cake this year is Soul Calibur V. The characters are unique and their large movesets mean with enough practice and exploration everyone can find and perfect a truly unique combo to bring down their sword with. Although online play is really not a place for my 'Calibur' of player (FYI my win/loss record is 2/12) it is still very fun to play, the character creation mode is also brilliant, I have to give it top marks for giving me the ability to create an almost perfect representation of Estelle from Tales of Vesperia, and if you've ever seen Sanity Not Included you'll know you can make some rather disturbing but effective versions of Pikachu and Magicarp too.
And of course it looks absolutely stunning too
+ Best Story: Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward
Well what did you expect here? Halo 4? Read my last article for details on why this game had absolutely no competition

+ Best Dialogue: Kid Icarus - Uprising
The comedy in the dialogue from this game is just amazing, again find my article on it for the details.

+ Best Art/Design: Borderlands 2
The Borderlands game are well known for having a unique cartoon art style, and it's a truly beautiful spectacle when you get into it, though it maybe quite lacking in bright colours, the environments are beautiful, the monsters and enemies look brilliant, and it really is safe to say that Borderlands just wouldn't be the same without that lovely art style
Look at all that destruction in beautiful cartoon style, if ever there was a game world to live in...
+ Best Shooter: Call of Duty Black ops II
Didn't think i'd ever be saying that but I did so deal with it, it's a great improvement on the first one which is a bit shit to be honest, so yeah it wins this award, not Halo 4 which I would have preferred to give the award to, but having taken some of the best features away from Reach (i.e: a clear health bar!) it had no chance.
As much as I want to give it a negative award because it's Call of Duty, I just can't, because it's good, and i can't  go against that, even if I gave it a 'Good game we wanted to be shit' award... Actually I'm going to do that anyway. Yup CoD BO2 also wins that award.
There's a few close seconds here but KI - U of course, is the winner of my GotY award, and I'm sure you know why as apart from the control layout which will grow on you anyway, there is nothing you can fault about this game, it is perfect, in every way.
You won okay! Now stop looking like you're going to kill me!
... Please...?