Favoritism! - Kid Icarus: Uprising

Format: 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Third-Person Shooter/Bullet Hell
Out: Now
Price: £30-40

If you decided to ask any given person what their favourite game was, chances are you'd find most of them answering something really mainstream like Skyrim, Assassins Creed Revelations, Halo 3, Minecraft, etc. Me? I answer Kid Icarus: Uprising!

The reason Kid Icarus gets an unrivaled 'Game of the Year' award from me straight out is because it lacks something that could improve many games of the modern age: Non-sexual or swearing related light humor! With the modern age as violent as it is, you'd be surprised the dialogue in this game could be so effective, but the banter and jokes between the characters both good and evil make an already good game brutally endearing. You can't go through any of the 25+ chapters without hearing some kind of joke, even if it is just a bad pun, and even after playing a level multiple times, the best parts always get a smile.
A funny cartoon of my favorite character - Viridi, Goddess of Nature,  cute, funny and... uh... 'all natural'
Perhaps some of my biggest attractions to this game also lie in the dialogue, not the mechanics - As a gamer, I feel like I can seriously relate with the main character as he makes quirky comments about the Mr Game and Watch at enemies moving in the Game and Watches 'Disappear Reappear movement', and references the famous Donkey Kong as he jumps over large rolling obstacles. It's not just the references though, one part of the dialogue is even on its way to becoming a meme. From a conversation between Pit and Palutena, about how Pit regains health from food on the floor came the phrase "Floor Ice Cream Gives You Health!" - a popular quote for both me and the game's fans.
It gives you health
But Kid Icarus isn't a text based game, so let's take a look at the actual gameplay. The only fault I have with this game is the fact the controls are a bit awkward. Press Left trigger to shoot, move with the circle pad and aim using the touch screen and stylus, being a game on the 3DS there's not really a better control method available, but i know that after prolonged gaming sessions your left hand really starts to ache. you should also be weary of knocks when playing without the stand (which makes it feel even more awkward) because you're left effectively holding the console in one hand, and you really don't want to be dropping a £150 piece of hardware on the floor.
Stop looking at me with those eyes!

Awkward controls aside, what we have here is a great, long game that flows well and will keep you playing for hours as you dodge and shoot your way through thousands of unique enemies from over 4 different armies to defeat Hades, Lord of the Underworld. I haven't been that focused on the game, so let me explain some more. You play primarily as Pit, angel and servant of the Goddess Palutena fighting through a variety of chapters. Each chapter is separated into two sections: the Air Battle, which is a lot like your standard Bullet Hell shooter, you fly around the screen dodging countless bullets and shooting seemingly endless waves of enemies until you reach the main mission destination, when the game changes to Land Battle, which is more like a third person shooter with a mainly linear path for you to follow until you reach the boss at the end of the stage. It's a simple theme, but the stages are quite lengthy and there's a lot to be made in re-runs of each chapter as the rewards you receive get more valuable  the higher Intensity (Difficulty Level, ranging from 0.0 - 9.0) you play on, and trust me, Intensity 8.0 and above are relentless and take real skill to master, it's a game that will keep you coming back to beat it on 9.0 and to open all 360 Treasure Hunt (i.e: Achievements) panels, unlock all of the 100+ Powers, 400+ Idols and 90+ Weapons, and shoot you down again and again, just like your uncle did so many years ago. Even when you finish the story, you've got hours to play until you get that 100%, and that's just one more thing that makes this game such a gem.
Kid Icarus Uprising - Stamping out 3DS haters, one giant God Foot at a time, and you've got to admit it, that's the best looking God Foot you've ever seen on a handheld