Spicy Ideas Special! Part 1

Welcome back to Spicy Chicken Bites! it's been a while coming, but it's time for the next article, but it's not about an actual game because there's not really any games we can write about right now, so for the time being, we bring you this Spicy Special!

We've all had our fair share of game ideas in the past, no game is perfect and every fan in one way or another has come up with an idea that would make their favorite game even better for them, or even came up with a completely new idea (which is now pretty much impossible seeing as every game concept has proabably been tried and tested at least once) that they'd love to play but obviously can't make - this includes us Spicy Chicken Cows, so here i present to you my original(?) game idea: Blade of Ghaspart!

Being a huge fan of the 'Tales' series (Symphonia, Vesperia, etc), 'Blade of Ghaspart' plays in a very similar way... Actually, it's pretty similar through pretty much every aspect, except with a few changes (if you read the introduction, yes, these are all changes I think would make the Tales games even better!) and a completely different storyline (which is shit, if I do say so myself). It plays like this: You move through towns in real time, visit their facilities, trigger cutscenes, etc, visiting more and more towns, meeting new people as your travels take you across the continent of Ghaspart. outside of towns you also move in real time around a large open world-map, monsters appear around you which you can fight by making contact with them in the field, (because nobody likes random battles any more) or not fight by not touching them, though they will chase after you when spotted, and you should probably fight them, otherwise you'll get totally owned by the bosses, take gameplay, repeat with stronger enemies until endgame.

So basically, the story of Ghaspart is like this, you play a pretty much normal boy/girl (1 of 12 character classes) in a quiet little town which nobody can leave because there's a lot of monsters outside (you know, the same concept most JRPGs use to keep you in your hometown all your life), one day during a food shortage, you sneak out to gather food but you discover the evil Guy ('Guy' is the villain's name, yes, this is not a very serious game and would feature a lot of 4th wall-breaking humor) working his dark magic and he sends a bunch of monsters to attack you. Then you die. Game Over. Okay not really, you get saved by a character that is coincidentally the opposite gender, you go back to town and get outcasted as someone who has been tainted by 'The Doom' - a plague made up by the townspeople out of fear, you get taught how to fight by your rescuer and then you go off on an adventure with them to defeat the evil Guy with the legendary Blade of Ghaspart (Ding! Title drop!), a unique magical weapon which changes depending on the class of your character (and the only weapon in the world capable of vanquishing such darkness, of course), so you can go back to your hometown.
12 of the 13 variations Blade of Ghaspart, the end of the 'Brigader' class' Morning Star has been unfortunately cut off, along with the entire weapon of the 'Twin Blade' class
So what other features are there? Well the combat is similar to that of the Tales games, it's real time so you run in, slash some shizz and win the fight before walking a few paces and fighting again, but there's no need to go into the details of that. The first extra is that you can fully customize the appearance and name of the main hero and heroine for a more personal JRPG, and throughout the story you meet a variety of other characters (though these are not customizeable) whilst the story of your adventure (and the story of your L-O-V-E) unfolds. Features such as Alchemy (Synthesis) remain as town facilities with a few extra services, for example some big cities will have a training hall where you can fight against any monster you've previouslky fought and scanned without the fear of a Game Over, so you can learn combos and battle strategies with the only cost being significantly reduced experience points. other extras include 1000's of (mostly) original weapons and items, so there's a little something for everyone to feel at home with.

Last but not least, all I can say is, what JRPG is complete without a pretty puny Mascot Enemy, such as Dragon Quest's popular Slime, well, Blade of Ghaspart has it's own puny mascot: Project B.U.F.F! (For those who are wondering, B.U.F.F stands for 'Blue Ugly Fighting Fing' - Again, note the lack of serious...ity... of the name). Project B.U.F.F does of course evolve as the game progresses, and you gradually meet tougher variations: Project T.U.F.F, Project D.U.F.F, Project P.U.F.F, Project D.U.O, the boss: Project O.M.E.G.A  and maybe even more variations!
A very basic drawing of Project B.U.F.F, done on paint due to scanning issues, so yeah that's why it looks kinda shit
So that's all for now on blade of Ghaspart! If you think there's something I should have mentioned, ask nicely and I might tell you. Stay tuned for what lies in the future of the world of Ghaspart!