Special Guest Review!: Journey

Format: PSNetwork
Out: Now
Price: £9.99
Today, Spicy Chicken Bites brings you a lovely short and sweet review from a special guest writer as a change from my usual and very long articles, so for today, we present a review of the PSN title 'Journey' by my good friend known as 'B1g_crunch'!

Journey, the popular 2012 PSN title, is a wonderful story worth adding to any gamer's collection.  Created by Thatgamecompany (yes it's one word) of Flower and Flow fame, Journey is another artistic title meant to show off gaming as a true art medium.

Journey, although only a few hours long, offers a rich experience with a captivating and ambiguous story and without using a single word.  Players can go through alone, but the game becomes much more moving when playing alongside a partner player on PSN.  The game takes you through a desert and ruins over the course of eight levels to reach the top of a faraway mountain while you learn about the lost civilization of your character's race.  Throughout the game you and whoever you meet will end up climbing obstacles while also collecting glowing symbols which will allow you to fly for extended periods of time.

The visuals for this title are stunning.  The characters, although simple in design, have a considerable amount of detail.  The settings themselves are especially beautiful, showing the shifting sands and worn-down stone under several different types of lighting to incredible effect.
"This will look great on my Tumblr"
The gameplay for Journey is simple, and you barely even use half of the controller to have your character move, fly, and sing to interact with the world around you.  Despite these somewhat simple controls though, several areas of the game manage to have you making careful movements, from sliding over dunes of sand to climbing a large tower, and even evading large enemies toward the end of the game.

The game doesn't provide that much action, even with enemies (that only show up close to the end of the game).  As well as this, there isn't any way for you to lose life (aside from one plot-relevant event that happens automatically).  Those of you who like a lot of conflict or action aren't going to be that impressed by the mildly inconvenient threat of being blown back a few feet or having your flying taken away.

Despite lasting only a few hours, there are enough trophies, easter eggs, and unlockables in Journey to have you going back multiple times.  However, even going back for everything would maybe only add an hour or two to the game (if that), so if you're looking for something to eat up a lot of time you might be better off playing a Final Fantasy game or something.  Journey saves automatically after each chapter in case you forget, and after beating the game allows you to play each area independently from the rest of the game (in case you have trouble finding some hard-to-reach collectables).

Despite a few (subjective) downsides, Journey itself is a beautiful gameplay experience (and optional social experience) sure to be entertaining and moving.  The game is worth £9.99 on PSN, making it much cheaper than your average title (at least compared to disc games), and well worth your time.

That's all for today! I give thanks to my friend for this review, and we'll be seeing you next time!
