What if I have friends and family?

A recent post I did was on PCs vs Consoles, the conclusion was that PCs were better, but only if you could be bothered to make them that way.
But what about multi-player. What if my whole family wants to game or I have friends that aren't in other countries that I actually see (inIRL). PCs fall flat here, the PC multiplayer experience only works when everyone has their own machine, be it over LAN or WAN. At the same time PS4 and Xbone only do 4 players at most. What if you live in a family of 5?
Xbox and PS games are generally PC games, that is; shooters, racers etc... which are fun in online multi player but are hardly games for all the family, or games you would play round a friends house as opposed to online.
This is where the Wii and Wii-U come in. They have fun games for all the family. The console is generally in the living room so it should be enticing to all the occupants of the living room. You can't do FPS on the wii, or RTS, but you can have fun. The graphics are shit, but the group gameplay is there.
So really if you wan't the ultimate gaming experience, get a million pound PC and a Wii-U.
Luke from LMG also agrees.