The Separating of Races

It wasn't so long ago that we had an Ofsted inspection at school, the report was good but they made a point of saying in their report that the school had a bellow average number of ethnic minorities. There is also black history month in  October and Asian history month in June. There are plenty more here
So I was wondering why there isn't a white history month.
no it isn't
I think the reason is that white people haven't been persecuted recently. The message I get from a lot of <insert race> awareness months is "Look at all the cool stuff we've done (despite being of a different race)". I think this is bad.
Not because they're celebrating the advances, discoveries and works of humanity, but because they're fencing themselves off from everyone else.
Why should it matter what colour our skin is or what our heritage is? All these specific days are just enforcing any existing views that race matters.
So how do we solve this?
We ignore it. What we don't do is make a huge fuss over Jeremy Clarkson mumbling the word 'nigger' in the context of a nursery rhyme in footage that wasn't even broadcast. What we don't do is not allow humour that mocks races, because taking the piss is funny. What we also don't do is have race awareness months, as they are like exclusive clubs based solely on the colour of your skin.
And that's racist.