Is this the most important time in the history of the universe?

How on earth am I supposed to know?
However this woman thinks she does, so have a glance at the article bellow first.

This post has come at a good time as I was going to do a piece on 'what is cleverness?' but I can sum it up in this sentence: Just because you are in a book and have done something for a long time doesn't make you clever or in any way trustworthy over someone else.

If you are in print it means you have produced something that people will buy, or you own a press.
This woman has 17 books, but then again so does Richard Hamilton, and I wouldn't trust either of them to tell me when is important. I'll attempt to stay away from just saying that her work is a pile of sparkly shit and that you shouldn't listen to it or even acknowledge its existence, but I would like to do so nevertheless.

I'll start off by looking at the website that posted the story, it's articles are all hit oriented and all seem rather exaggerated and bizarre to say the least, all in all it doesn't look like a factual site, despite being called (who'd have thought it?).

Then there is the story itself, it assumes a lot. And used the word 'vibrations' as both a good word and a bad, for instance, "For the first time, an entire planet is shifting it’s vibration into a new dimensional frequency." and then it goes on to say "man has polluted the planet with a vibration so dense that it threatens the survival of the planet as a whole." It seems like some woman wanted to plug her books or get richer so is jumping (albeit late) on the global warming bad-vibration bandwagon.

Even if we agree that there are vibrations and spirits, why on earth would they want to help us. Dolores does make us out to be the best thing since sliced bread " if the planet blows itself up, it will reverberate throughout the universe affecting and disturbing all beings." when we're probably not.

So this has been short and there aren't any pictures but I just wanted to semi-moan about something for once in a post.
And did I say it was all bullshit?