So the game begins

I normally wouldn't do more than one post in a day but after sitting through 2 hours of E3 I feel it is needed. Furthermore, all opinions stated in my previous post were in a satirical manner and were not added to offend.

I had low hopes for Microsoft this E3. With Halo 4's multiplayer being the biggest disappointment of the year (besides not being able to see Equestria girls until winter) I honestly thought that my loyalty would never return to Microsoft. For Microsoft to win back my trust they would have to show both kindness and generosity to an extent so extreme some would call it magic. Microsoft could probably hear my laughter in America.

Pic related
It was a rather fast start for Microsoft, instantly show casing MGS, I normally wouldn't go near that stuff with a 10 foot barge pole but this game looked immense. The horses, the donkeys, I think I also saw a pony. The combat for MGS looked amazing and the stealth features more than made up for the disappointment that was Halo 4. The next generation graphics looked superb with this game and with new features such as dynamic and realistic weather along with realistic passage of time within a free roam world, I am sure MGS will be a competitor for game of the year.

In addition, the reveal of Forza V made me realise just how far we have come since I started playing Die Hard on the PS1 all those years ago. With what are basically learning A.I the game will adapt to your play style and will actively change how cars race against you based on how you drive cars, thus giving a sense of facing humans who would actively learn to counter-act techniques. Hopefully this A.I will be added to an FPS. Having an FPS with A.I that learn and adapt to your play-style would be brilliant, it would enable great both great and terrible players (Peter is the terrible player if you couldn't suss it out) to vastly improve at what I would consider an exponential rate compared to the rate at which gamers improve currently.

Them there was the Halo 5 teaser trailer. When I first saw this trailer (and by the way Rob, fuck you, Halo 5 will run at 60fps and the multiplayer will finally have dedicated servers) I believed it was a destiny trailer. It was so well hidded. Them I saw the footprints! I don't think they've won me back just yet though.

Sure, you can now record gameplay direct through your Xbox and you can stream straight to Twitch, but there is still alot that the Xbox needs to win me over.

Wait... What? There's a fighting game! COUNT ME IN!

Please explain at what point is this not gay