Peter: The Norse God of Trickery

On this blog, much like real life, Peter acts in his usual stubborn way by claiming his opinions are fact.

The neck beard brings me power. POWER!
First off I would like to point out that peter has actually bought 'My Little Pony' playing cards, whereas I, the massive Brony have yet to buy any pony merchandise. So for Peter to claim it was good that 'Equestria Girls' is only going to American cinemas (until I get ahold of Hasbro) is just peter trying to fit in with 'normal' people.

Secondly, Peter claims there is nothing entertaining about sitting through a movie and that nothing is accomplished, I on the other hand disagree. I am the kind of person who can go through an entire series of films, such as my sitting of all 8 Harry Potter films in a day.

Admins are away! Post ponies!
But I digress, Peter claims he hates watching 2 hour long films but will gladly sit through a 4 to 5 hour long commentary over League of Legends as well as playing video games that require a single button to be pressed every 10 minutes or so. This button pressing is the company's way of telling you that she is lonely and desperately needs a man who can pay attention or at least zone back into the conversation to reply "yeah", "I know, right!".
This tells us that Peter is a hypercritical fascist,who wants us all to stop watching Iron Man 3 or The Iron Giant so we can sit next to him to watch the most boring videos ever created.

Furthermore, after many hours of contemplating my own existence I have concluded that Peter must be a time lord. Only time lords have been shown to be so merciless as to have humanity watch League of Legends.

He may also be misogynistic.

Lauren Faust, the impossible girl. One of the minds behind the greatest animations ever.