Music is like Shaving

Although I may not act like it sometimes when I get into gaming, sound and music is one of the most important features of a game. I don't know if any of you have tried playing a game without sound, but I completed all of skyrim without sound. It was a terrible experience, there was no immersion, I didn't feel the same rush of excitement or pure dragon born-iness as I usually do.
Although I certainly looked the part
For me hearing the sound and music of the game is like the punctuation in a book, the game/book can be as awesome as it wants, but without the sound/music/punctuation there is little way of telling the tone of the story (besides facial expressions, body posture and oh yeah... the thousands of dead skyrim children crushed beneath my feet; but I'm comparing books to games so I can't mention that stuff).

Again I'm going to be the awkward guy who brings Halo into the argument... again... for the millionth time.

One of the things that got me into halo originally (besides Adam, and he hates himself for that) was the music, the sense of pure epicness I felt when playing the Halo campaign for the first time caused me to fall in love with the game. The music was beautifully composed by Marty O'donnell and truly reflected the scale of the Halo story.

>Be me
>Play Halo 3
>Get to Scarab
>Fak dis shit.jpg
>Halo music starts
>Cry on floor over awesome music
>Inspired to kill this thing
>Grab magnum instead of rocket launcher
>Ride mongoose off crane onto Scarab
>Oh shit.jpg
>Kills all enemies and Scarab with pistol
>MFW when I commit suicide to do it all again

So as I was saying, Music and sound are important.

I'm going to be that guy again who brings competitive multiplayer into this... again... for the millionth time.

When I play Halo competitively I play with my *insert brand name here* headset, it increases the bass of the game and amplifies the sound to such a degree I can here a pin drop in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 6 (They're that good). With this headset on I can locate enemies as soon as they move within 40 metres of me, I here the footsteps, I here the reload, I become one with the game. Without this sound being good at gaming would be a bit harder; I rely on sound 70% of the time when playing Halo. Taking away sound from me is like taking away LOL from Peter, we will have a tantrum if we don't get it back in one minute.

I mention League of Legends just to reuse this image.
Although he is a very sexy man

I'm pretty sure most of you reading this have played a game that you wasn't sure if you liked but fell in love when you heard the music, that was me and Halo to begin with. I had always been a Call of Duty fan boy, a game where music is seen as 'too gay unless it features loads of muscly men rubbing up against each other whilst screaming down a microphone,' so for me, hearing this music changed my views. For me hearing epic music in gaming brings back the memories of discovering Halo for the first time.

It was also much like the time I first shaved, it felt weird and awesome and I wanted to rub my newly shaved face up against my dogs.