There are several points of conversation that could be made about that statement. Should people be gay? is one that doesn't need answering. The one I want to talk about is the use of the word 'allowed'.
Who says what can and can't be done?
Why do people need to be allowed to do something as opposed to just doing it?
In some cases the argument would be 'because it is not your place to just do something' like borrowing people's stuff without asking. For society to work properly you should have consent from the owner.
This rule holds with all physical things, if people just took and used regardless of ownership rights then humanity would be worse off.
you are not allowed to steal |
Again it simplifies down for what benefits society the most. If you butt in on conversations then 1. It probably isn't your conversation to butt in on and 2. If everyone did it then nothing would get said.
Walking naked in public is a tricky one, you are not taking anything, breaking anything or stopping people from getting on with their lives. You are however being disruptive in a different way, and as such being naked in public is disallowed.
Murdering someone is simple, it is not your life to take, ownership rights take presidence.
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No clues as to which point this refers to... |
Being gay is fine and dandy. Being a prick about it isn't. Dressing like a goth is also fine. Being an intimidating yobbo about it isn't. Pissing yourself in lifts (elevators for the Americans) is fine so long as it's fine with the other occupants of the lift.
Again it simmers down to what society finds acceptable and this is where we get the 'allowed' from.
'Look at how gay we are' they say. The rest of the world just wishes that they would just shut up about it and get on with their lives gay or not. |