Introducing: Spicy Chicken Bites!

Hello people of the internet, you have just discovered Spicy Chicken Bites, a blog(?) dedicated to video games (not food, despite the title, sorry to all those people looking for some new meat to try). Here, you'll find me, Negimalevolent, talking about anything and everything gaming related.... to an extent, that is.

Let me give you a run down of the sort of thing's you'll be finding here:
Reviews: I take a look at pretty much any game (No PS3 exclusives) on the market and tell you all the good and bad points, so you can find out if it's your thing or not, hopefully this will stop people wasting their precious money on shit, like the up and coming CoD - Black Ops II (Will take requests)
Previews: I take a look at a game that's yet to be released and talk about all the things we know about a well looked forward to game (Will take requests)
Ancient Treasures: Another kind of 'Review', but these features will be looking back at games before the current generation, so you'll be seeing some awesome games from before the days of the DS
A New Challenger!: In these features you'll be seeing a comparison of a much known and loved game against a much lesser known but basically the same game by a different company, to see if the rip-off can fix the flaws of the origional.
Ask the Spicy Chicken: In my personal opinion, it seems like online review... people(?) like me don't really answer their fan's questions very much, so if you have a question for me to answer, you may just find it here, where I answer your questions (I don't really care what they are, but do try and keep your questions either game related or related to the articles you read here, I'm not some bizarre know-it-all so don't go asking me how far it is from your house to the nearest brothel)
Critical Hit!: ... Okay it's just some kind of 'Dispatches' column with a game related name, but basically here you'll find biased and opinionated (probably) articles about issues surrounding the world of gaming, kind of like the bullshit debates you find on that stupid religious show 'The Big Questions', only without the word 'God' every 5 seconds and far fewer Muslim jokes... Okay maybe not that last part
Back to the Present: A look at a sequel, compared to it's prequel, sure the name's poo but at least I don't have to explain any more of this.
Favoritism: Actually yes I do, these will be a look at some of my all time favorite games

Heck, maybe there'll be more stuff eventually, but for now this is all I have planned, so watch this space and my first article will be up soon! Fell free to leave comments and requests for previews and reviews and stuff.

(Spicy Chicken Bites accepts no responsibility for money spent on shit and is a registered trademark of SpicyChickenCow, yes, that's right bitches it's a registered trademark. Images featured on Spicy Chicken Bites have been taken through a painful selection process via google images and all credit goes to them and blah blah blah all that copyright bullshit. Blog contents subject to change. Blog rated something like 12A, but to be honest I don't care who reads this, unless it's my Nan who would kill my hamster if she saw this. Spicy Chicken Bites is not a real foodstuffs and we accept no responsibility for any physical or mental illness caused by their consumption. Spicy Chicken Bites does not believe all CoD is shit, battered is very good. Spicy Chicken Bites does not offer free refills. Spicy Chicken Bites may cause diarrhea, gonorrhea, a date with Mia or amenorrhea, always read the label, unless you can't read the label, in which case, ask someone to read the label for you, if you cannot read this small print in order to read and/or get someone to read the label for you, you should have gone to Specsavers. Spicy Chicken Bites does not stop burglars, burgers, murderers or modern teenagers and accepts no responsibility for damage done by said parties. If you have any concerns regarding the tone, ethics or nature of the articles you read here, please call our hotline on 0800 2855 7448. Spicy Chicken Bites accepts no responsibility for that fact the number in the previous disclaimer leads to a sex hotline. Spicy Chicken Bites accepts no responsibility for the length and size of this disclaimer/small print, nor do we accept any responsibility for time wasted or eye damage caused by reading this small print, or the time wasted by ugly fat guys in basements attempting to call the previously mentioned but totally fake sex hotline. Are you still reading? Wow how sad are you? Go on, go and continue with your pitiful existence, go on, shoo.)