Rob tries Psychology

Whilst predominantly a lover of maths and technology, I do try to keep my literary ability just above retarded by writing for this blog, playing guitar and thinking of stuff that isn't maths, although the latter normally ends up as me trying to shoehorn something that isn't maths related into at least some sort of logical form.

So I keep trying to think up reasons why people act in certain ways to certain situations, a particularly tricky one I came up with is walking past someone in the street, a normally simple task, but when over thought enough becomes a terrible minefield of things that can go wrong.
but it's never this. It's always much, much more worse than this...
So I'll write through this as it would happen in real life. You see a person of in the distance on course to meet you on the path you're walking along. If they're old,  there's a group of them or they have a dog / buggy then it would be easier to walk along the grass and steer well clear to avoid bumping into them. This brings the problems that a) your shoes would get dirty, b) they might then stay right to the side furthest away from the grass and you're left wondering why you even went on it in the first place, and c) what if they're thinking the same thing and also go on the grass or; they know what you're thinking and as you do it there's that feeling where you both know what's happening and you're both weird for thinking it but you're the one on the grass so that makes you weirder.
This man didn't, and now must pay the price of wearing sandals for the rest of eternity.
So generally, the grass is off limits.

Now if there's a wall to one side of the pavement (not uncommon) and a parent is holding a child's hand, what side of the path do you walk on? If you go on the wall side then you're in-effect pushing the child closer to the road, which mum or dad probably wouldn't notice would definitely be furious about and you might end up crashing into said wall in the haste of trying not to trip up / kick / violently murder the child or parent, which will be a) painful and b) stupid.
This is you to everyone who isn't you
But the other side is not safe either, parents and children, being the self centred, uncaring beings that they are will probably stay out to the side anyway, forcing you into the road or making you walk across them into a wall. Also, in caveman times it was (probably) custom for young adults to kill babies and eat them so parents would become wary of this over time. By walking on the side nearest the road you are in effect blocking the child's only escape route from certain death, so the parents will involuntarily try to kill, or mutilate you beyond recognition by pushing you into roads / walls as these are the things most evolutionarily similar to dinosaurs and cliffs.
So if there's parents with children you are screwed and will definitely fail at passing them in the street.
If you see this, it's too late.
But what if they're old?
If they're old they'll read the daily mail, and will have heard all about the evil 'yoofs' of today, trying to mug pensioners at every opportunity. By walking past them you'll make them more likely to have a heart attack, and if they have a dog (which is always on a long slack lead), they will invariably trip you up with it, or take up the whole path so that you're forced to stand still while the bloody mutt and it's owner can just about squeeze past in the mile wide space that is any path in a park, and this makes it look like you are about to mug them.
...they're texting their mates about who's pension cash to nick next.
So how about you cross over the road to avoid killing pensioners and tripping over on dogs? That won't work either, because despite old people disliking everything and everyone, they still crave social interaction, so by crossing over and then back again you are making them feel sad and lonely and as such you will feel sad and lonely for being so neglectful.
just give up now, you can't stop the inevitable.
And this is only covering people walking towards you, what if you're walking faster than someone ahead, but not so fast (as is usual) that it'll take a good 30m to pass them and you'll both be there, staring straight ahead, both knowing that you have inconvenienced each other, them by walking so slowly (but not slowly enough for a quick pass), and you for making them get over to one side in your selfish lust to get to places slightly sooner.
And as Freud (an actual real-life sociologist) said, everything is about sex, so while you're passing them you both secretly think that the other will rape you, and that doesn't help either.
oh no...