BBC3 going online only

Better late than never, I comment on the (not so) recent decision that BBC3 should be only available online.
There's been a petition (Rob hates petitions) against it and everyone and their dog it crying out about the end of an era, but I think I see the reasoning behind the BBC's actions, or at least I can see a reason for it.

BBC3 is aimed at young people, the 16-34 range. These people have the internet though, they roughly know how it works so far as clicking on things goes and they have access to it in most places. What they don't do however is watch TV. They consume a great deal of their content online, where everything else in their lives is.
the internet.
The last time I watched TV was when the new series of Top Gear was on a while back. If I want any other show I can watch it on iplayer where I can pause it, or find it elsewhere.
The BBC know this and what's the point of broadcasting a channel that no one will watch. Why not just save money and make it online only?
it needs a fair bit of bandwidth on HD but young people have that.
Some have said that BBC4 should be online only too if BBC3 is, but this doesn't make sense. Old people watch BBC4, old people don't understand or even have access to the internet. BBC4 makes sense to be broadcast in the same way that BBC3 should be online only. It's where the audience is!