All that... And More...

Something that has been bugging me for a little while is the way games companies can make you pay more for the things you want by bundling them with things you don't really want or need. Though this isn't only true for the gaming industry and is a big part of business as a whole (which is why shows like Watchdog exist) it's easy to say we can sometimes feel cheated, let me run through a few personal examples.

I got myself a nice shiny new PS3 Super Slim last Christmas, the 12GB model because it was a lot cheaper and the rest of the money could go on games for it. it was all fine for a while but it turns out that Sony and all their mandatory installs and god knows what else somehow managed to eat up pretty much all of it within a few weeks. i won't say I wasn't expecting it but I will say I know my games certainly didn't take up anywhere near that much, in fact adding it up they take up 2GB at most, but probably much less. So where'd that other 10GB go? Giving me the opportunity to use Netflix even though I hate films and subscription services like that are a rip off (personal opinion)? How about the chance to play Singstar even though every song costs money and I an't sing for **** (personal opinion)/ I don't even want half the things on my PS3 menu so can I just have the space I want to play my games? No. Sony's never that nice.
"Rip off artist!" "Ow! My shin!"
Not just Sony though, Nintendo too for many a month now I've been wanting to download a game from the eShop priced at £3.59 and I haven't really wanted to buy anything else from it. Go to add funds to your eShop account and you can either use an eShop card or a Credit Card. Now, I don't have a credit card nor would I want to use one on it so eShop cards become the only available option, so guess how much the cheapest one costs: £15! FIFTEEN! That's around four times the amount I want, most of the eShop games are crap or remakes anyway so what's even the point!?
Fifteen and twenty-five, they could at least have done normal numbers like ten and twenty and... forty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-three
And of course Microsoft are offenders too, in fact the whole of the Xbox One Package bloody is! Firstly for your £400 or so you get the console, that's good but it'd be a total rip off, so how to justify the price? Throw the kinect camera in it's not like all the games for it are unplayable because it's so unresponsive and everyone will want to play the new Kinectimals or whatever because it's so much better than Call of Duty. it get's even worse, this is straight from the XBox website: "Games plus entertainment - With the best games, TV, movies, music and sports all in one place, you don’t have to compromise. Switch instantly from one to another, or enjoy two at once, so you never miss a moment. And talk with family and friends on Skype while watching TV." See it's all good until it get's bolded. Bold is bad. TV? Music? Great! it's not like I'm buying this thing because I don't have an iPod or a stereo or, oh I know! I'll watch TV on my Xbox one which needs a bloody TV to be able to use it. honestly, it's a £200-£250 console with £150 of crap we don't need.
~One of these things is not like the other~
... Rant over.