Next generation marshmmallows

I have had a very prosperous holiday.

After finding the average volume of a normal sized marshmallow to be 3.375 inches cubed with a density of 0.37 g/ml. I determined the capacity of my mouth to be 0.1L.
Using this information I determined that the overall density that can fit within my mouth in terms of marshmallows is 37g/100ml. 1/0.37 = 2.7
When compressed by a factor of 2.7, the greatest factor by which the marshmallows can be compressed, it can be determined that the average mouth with a capacity of 0.1L can hold 30 marshmallows.

Don't quote me on this by the way.

Rule 19 - The more you hate it the stronger it becomes

But I digress.

The real reason for writing this blog post is because Peter is a lazy bastard and refuses to do anything besides play League of Legends.

I am the arm chair general

Today I will be talking about the matter of the next generation.

IT LOOKS AMAZING! I am thoroughly excited for the next generation. Although Sony is still incapable of creating a decent controller and Microsoft still over-charge for what I see as a brick filled with invisible magic; I can't wait to see what features are revealed at E3 which is just around the corner.

And who knows, perhaps some new inventive IPs are revealed as I am sick of COD, Battlefield, and Halo taking the lime light. I want the next generation of consoles to provide a new generation of awesome games; one such game being watchdogs.