Spicy Chicken Bites Wall of Shame - Pokemon

Since the very beginning of the series, the Pokemon games have had a recurring theme of releasing two versions of the same game, in the beginning it was Pokemon Red and Blue (Green), and come October-ish time it will be X and Y, but the problem I have with this, as many people probably should do, is that these each game and it's counterpart are almost the same game! 95% at least.
In reality, this picture shows 3 games and a pinball spin-off
Same locations, same characters, same story pretty much (unless you're looking at Ruby and Sapphire, which at least switch around who the evil gang are between games), heck, the only real difference between them is that in one there are maybe 4 or 5 Pokemon you can't catch in the wild, which of course you can only find in the other game, it's a clever yet also stupid idea really.
The laws of Pokemon summed up in one 'Thou shalt buy another  copy to get one pokemon'
Put it this way, the famous Pokemon motto is 'Gotta catch 'em all', but of course you aren't going to be doing that any time soon if some of the Pokemon don't appear in your game (and even more so now there's about 600 different ones!), so here's the clever part, this gives the people who want to do this two options: Find a friend with the other version and trade one over, or buy the other version, catch one and transfer it over. I'm sure the latter happens a lot, and it probably makes a lot of money from lonely middle-aged fat guys in basements and die hard fans who just have to buy the other game just because it's Pokemon.

I didn't mind this too much until recently, now it's gone a bit too far. Recently the Pokemon films 'Black: Victini and Reshiram' and 'White: Victini and Zekrom' were released, but here's the worst part, these films are EXACTLY THE SAME, the only difference being, where one had Zekrom, the other has Reshiram, and vice versa, if that's not taking the piss then what is?
Buy this if what you're looking for is mediocre bundled with full price disappointment, as a fun bonus, you get to choose which one's which!