SIJRPG: Epilogue

Well if you haven't already guessed, this is going to be the last in my series of Spicy Ideas JRPG, because now I'm just running out of stuff to say since I've crammed pretty much everything I can think of into my other posts already.

Anyway, what else is there that I need to talk about? Well I've talked about the combat, but I haven't talked about what you're fighting against. One thing that really annoys me about so many JRPGs is the lack of originality when they come up with some monsters. I'm not saying they just take something real and chuck it in there, I mean most of the time at least they have some kind of design, but what annoys me is when they create a completely new enemy stronger than the one before, just by changing it's colours  It's like people saying red is heavier than blue, it's just stupid. For my JRPG I would make sure that all 250 monsters (and the bosses) were unique in appearance, no scrounging off the same 20 enemies just with different colours like, oh I don't know, every JRPG in the world (Except pokemon)!
Look at it! Look how many supposedly different enemies they can create from a simple slime! They've used  that same initial design to create more 'different' monsters than there have been hours in my life! I know it's their mascot character and all but that's just overkill.
So the only thing that I have left to talk about now is what there is to do post-game. JRPGs have had many different ways of handling this, for example, the Persona games let you start the story again, but you character gets to keep some of his stats, and adds a special new dungeon with insanely powerful enemies for an insanely challenging... challenge; in Pokemon you get to expand the journey with your team with new challenges, and of course, to try and catch them all (which won't really happen unless you're that sad); and the Tales games let you spend points you've accumulated in battles on things for your next playthrough, such as retaining your items or money, or getting 10x EXP from each fight. These are all great, it's just a shame they've never really been combined together to create a great post-ending setup, which is where my game comes in, featuring all the above, as well as some new tougher quests and some special hidden storylines for each of the characters, showing what became of them in the far future, years after it all ended...
In Kingdom heart 2, Sephiroth appears post-game as a hidden and ridiculously tough  boss, for those who want a real challenge. Checkout all that HP! It's over 9000 (Probably)
that brings an end to the Spicy Ideas JRPG series! I hope you enjoyed it, and hopefully a publisher has been reading this and likes my ideas, so I'll sit tight waiting for an e-mail from Namco-Bandai or someone, before I return to regularly scheduled programming in two weeks time! Bye-Bye!