10 Games You Must Play Before You Die

With the world's economic troubles going on recently, it can be hard to find the cash to buy every game you want without waiting a couple of months at least, but when you're tight on cash and there's multiple options available to you, which do you choose? Like would you choose a gun that halves your health but does more damage over a gun that does tiny damage but can fire off bullets like David Cameron fires off bad governmental decisions? Technically it all comes down to your play style, so maybe that's a bad analogy, but when it comes to full games, just which games are so great, you have to play them at least once in your lifetime?

1) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo Wii)
If Mario wasn't already awesome enough for you, check out this second installment of Mario In Space! Even bigger than it's prequel, SMG2 features over 50 different galaxy and 240 stars to keep you going, be prepared to spin, walk on walls, ceilings and in circles in any direction, fight Bowser, fall into black holes, fight Bowser (again), power up, and ride Yoshi's in what is arguably a flawless game! With endless challenges for you to come back to because that 100% completion will be a long time coming, you really can't get much better than this - Just remember to bring a spacesuit.

2) Kid Icarus Uprising (Nintendo 3DS)
You can talk about serious value for money with this epic 4th-wall breaking action game, if you want to know why in more detail than this crummy little snippet, refer to my previous article: Favoritism! Kid Icarus - Uprising

3) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC, Xbox360, PS3)
The fifth installment of the much loved RPG series from Bethesda features hundreds of hours of gameplay for you to sink your gaming thumbs into, and there's something very satisfying about hunting down and single-handedly killing a dragon or twenty. I used to be a boring gamer like you, then I took Skyrim to the knee.
"I got an A on the test!" "yeah? Well I killed a ******* Dragon. By myself!"
4) Borderlands 2 (PC, Xbox360, PS3)
This recently released sequel to Gearbox's original Borderlands is, quite frankly, badass. The graphics of the game aren't the best, well, they're different, but hey that's deliberate, and because of that it looks awesome. Borderlands 2 can teach you many things, one such thing being that there's nothing quite as satisfying as shooting a flaming midget in the face with a shotgun, and with tens of millions of different guns, there's definitely something for everyone, seriously. Gotta grab them all! (Seriously, if you can prove you've collected every single gun the game at least once, I'll do something amazing... like... pretty much anything you ask for)

5) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Nintendo Gamecube)
This cute outing of everyone's favourite green sword wielding hero takes Link all across the seas of Hyrule. The cute graphics make this a particularly endearing title compared to the likes of Twilight Princess, plus, you can expect collecting and completing everything in the game to take hours and hours as well as multiple playthroughs. if you can get it chea- No, just get it. NOW.

6) Pikmin 2 [New Play Control] (Nintendo Wii)
The reason I've decided you should play the remake over the original is because the controls are so much better, this game is so much better suited to pointing controls. Prepare to return to the pikmin planet to gather over 200 pieces of treasure with your little troops and fight a huge number of unique monsters in this cute and beautiful action-strategy masterpiece. Pik pik pik pik pik pik...
"You know, with oranges this big we could solve world hunger" "Screw that, let's just sell it for money"
7) Minecraft (PC, Xbox360)
Games don't come much bigger than this, Minecraft is the ultimate sandbox game, featuring a world many times the size of the Earth, and no real goal except to punch trees, dig, mine and build whatever you want, just so long as you survive. You can do whatever you want, it's like Lego only bigger and with more chance of death. And TNT.

8) Dragon Quest IX - Sentinels of the Stary Skies (Nintendo DS)
Don't let the ridiculous title put you off, this JRPG has a great storyline and sense of humor just like the others, but this one is bigger, better and features 200% more slimey goodness! With a great art style and some really loveable characters (plus a fairy annoying enough to rival the infamous Navi), Dragon Quest IX proves not every game gets shit after 3 sequels.

9) Beyond Good And Evil (PC, Xbox, PS2, Nintendo Gamecube)
Beyond good and evil is the best game ever to let you control a reporter with a pig for an uncle. It features the best stealth, racing and everything else ever and lets you beat up aliens with a stick. Finding pearls is both fun and overall fun, but the best bit is it once sold with a free cheese wheel in Canada, buy it now or I have no interest in your continued existence
Farts make him fly.
10) Psychonauts
Mister Pokeylope.